
Grab your pen and notepad. Your popcorn and VR glasses. Our event is about to begin.

FREE Spanish Webinars

We’re very excited to announce a series of FREE Spanish language financial education webinars to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. Our webinars are open to everyone and packed with useful, relevant information. Click on the register buttons below to reserve your virtual seat today!

Nos complace anunciar una serie de seminarios web GRATUITOS de educación financiera en español para celebrar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana. Nuestros seminarios web están abiertos a todos y están repletos de información útil y relevante. ¡Haga clic en los botones de registro a continuación para reservar su asiento virtual hoy mismo!

Basics of Personal Finance (Fundamentos de Finanzas Personales)
Tuesday, September 24, 2024 (martes 24 de septiembre de 2024) | 10:30 am - 11:30 am PT

From managing everyday expenses to investing for retirement, this session helps participants set personal finance goals, learn the fundamentals of smart financial management, and build a solid financial foundation for the future.

Desde la gestión de gastos diarios hasta la inversión para la jubilación, esta sesión ayuda a los participantes a establecer metas de finanzas personales, aprender los fundamentos de una gestión financiera inteligente y construir una base financiera sólida para el futuro.

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Solving the Mystery of Credit Reports (Resolviendo el Misterio de los Informes de Crédito)
Thursday, September 26, 2024 (jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2024) | 10:30 am - 11:30 am PT

Credit report scores have a lot of power: they can help you buy that first home, but they can also limit financial opportunities. This session provides an overview of credit bureaus, credit scoring, guidance for disputing inaccuracies, improving credit scores, and how to deal with identity theft and fraud.

Los puntajes de los informes de crédito tienen mucho poder: pueden ayudar a comprar esa primera casa, pero también pueden limitar las oportunidades financieras. Esta sesión ofrece una visión general de las agencias de crédito, la puntuación de crédito, orientación para disputar inexactitudes, mejorar los puntajes de crédito y cómo lidiar con el robo de identidad y el fraude.

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Psychology of Spending (Psicología del Gasto)
Thursday, October 3, 2024 (jueves 3 de octubre de 2024) | 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm PT

We all have a “financial personality” and it has a huge impact on our attitudes, our relationship with money, and our spending habits. By understanding this, people can monitor and adjust their behaviors to make smart financial decisions. This session will teach strategies and tactics to decipher personality types and gain control over finances.

Todos tenemos una "personalidad financiera" y esta tiene un gran impacto en nuestras actitudes, nuestra relación con el dinero y nuestros hábitos de gasto. Al entender esto, las personas pueden monitorear y ajustar sus comportamientos para tomar decisiones financieras inteligentes. Esta sesión enseñará estrategias y tácticas para descifrar los tipos de personalidad y ganar control sobre las finanzas.

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Save with Purpose (Ahorrar con propósito)
Thursday, October 10, 2024 (jueves 10 de octubre de 2024) | 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm PT

Saving money is much easier when you have a goal in mind. This workshop shows you how to choose the right goals for you and how to overcome obstacles to achieving them.

Ahorrar dinero es mucho más fácil cuando tienes un objetivo en mente. Este taller te muestra cómo elegir los objetivos adecuados para ti y cómo superar los obstáculos para alcanzarlos.

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Check Out Our Webinars from BALANCE

When you’re looking to better your budget, self-education is key. Where do you start? The webinars we offer are practical, modern, and make learning the basics easy. Take a peek or jump in and binge-watch everything. No subscription required!

Are you Financially Healthy

In this workshop you will understand what it means to be financially healthy – which is so much more than the one score everyone asks you about today – your credit score. True financial health is based on four key components: Spend, Save, Borrow, and Plan. You’ll also get a chance to confidentially determine your own Financial Health Score and the steps you can take to improve that score.

Saving with a purpose

Saving money is much easier with a goal in mind. This workshop shows you how to choose the right goals for you, and overcome barriers to achieving them.

Solving the Mystery of Credit Reports

Credit report scores hold a lot of power—they can help buy that first home but can also take away financial opportunities. This session provides an overview of credit bureaus, credit scoring, guidance to dispute inaccuracies, improving credit scores, and dealing with identity theft and fraud.

On the Road to Riches

Investing is one of the smartest things consumers can do to secure a brighter financial future. Every investor has different goals, risk tolerance, and cash flow, which will impact savings and investment choices. Participants will learn about savings strategies and tactics, investment tools, and how to develop an investment portfolio that works with their lifestyle and budget.

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Getting a membership with us isn't a transaction - it's a friendship, a partnership, a neighborhood-wide collab, a life-long pursuit of better, for you, me, us, them, and everyone else we hang out with in life.